Віртуальны амбудсмэна Упраўлення

The greatest reason for an ineffective internal reporting process is a lack of trust and credibility. With IOS, супрацоўнікаў, customers and clients and vendors and suppliers find an online and confidential connection to one of our seasoned ombuds professionals, ensuring confidentiality and, if desired, anonymity. In addition, our collective reputation is worth more than any one client, further reinforcing our credibility.

This virtual model allows companies greater connection to their employees and other stakeholders while ensuring maintenance of trust, in a custom-designed and cost-effective program of services – value from resolution.

  • Незалежны, Бесстаронні, Канфідэнцыйны, Informal Communications Channels
  • Of Suspected Wrongdoing, Этычныя дылемы, Станоўчыя і прапановы”
  • Ад сваіх супрацоўнікаў і кліентаў / кліентаў і прадаўцоў / пастаўшчыкоў
  • Via Your Assigned Professional IOS Primary Advisor
  • Directly to Your Designated Senior Management
  • Як прадастаўленне адпаведных курсаў дзеянняў