R. Kennedy Bridwell

Ken Bridwell

Ken Bridwell brings over 35 years of business and legal experience to the art of dispute resolution. As a senior advisor, corporate officer, investment banker and attorney he has guided transactional, litigation, risk management, and organization processes for public and private, domestic and international, goods and services, companies.

Bridwell began his career as a tax attorney in North Carolina, and then represented private plaintiffs in antitrust litigation in the beer, newspaper and retail gasoline industries. He then joined the New Jersey legal department of SPG Energy, a NYSE diversified energy company with business units in oil and gas exploration, onshore drilling, oil refining and natural gas processing, retail gasoline stations, gas appliance manufacturing, propane distribution (Suburban Propane), and central station alarm services. First as Associate Counsel and then as General Counsel he created a full service legal department responsible for all of the legal affairs of the company, ranging from regulatory compliance during the first energy crisis and subsequent wage and price controls programs, to product safety recalls, to acquisitions and dispositions, to national litigation management, to employee benefit plan design and compliance, to union relations, to the creation and management of an offshore captive insurance company.

Ken Bridwell’s Specialties
  • Merger & Akvizícia & Dispositions
  • Real Estate
  • Labor & Employment
  • Corporate Structure & Finance
  • Goods and Systems Testing, Inspection, Verification, Certification
  • Oil & Gas
  • Environmental & Engineering Services
  • Admiralty
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Veľká Británia
  • Kanada
  • Jamaica

Bridwell transitioned from the legal to the business side by becoming SPG Energy’s Senior Vice President for Strategic Planning and Development. It was in that role that he helped guide SPG Energy through the minefields of competing unfriendly tender offers into the arms of a white knight.

He was then recruited to be the General Counsel of a private medical equipment distributor and to prepare it for and lead it through a two-tier capital funding project consisting of a private placement and a subsequent public offering of common stock. Before the private placement could be completed, the owners received an offer they could not refuse, a Bridwell prerokovala a uzavrela zdieľanie úrokové transakcie, ktorá dala majiteľom voľne obchodovateľné registrovanú kmeňové akcie kupujúceho,,en,Bridwell je viacvrstvová transakčné pozadie ho priviedla na svet cezhraničné financií s New York úradu austrálskej investičnej banky,,en,Okrem jeho zapletenie s U.S.,,en,Umiestnenie Pacific Rim papierov,,en,on sa ocitol opäť zapojený do prieskumu ropy a zemného plynu, keď úspešne zvýšil finančné prostriedky z austrálskeho verejnej služby pre offshore prieskumu ložísk plynu a produkcie na Filipínach pre Texas wildcatter,,en,Potom, čo austrálska investičná banka získala Deutsche Bank,,en,Bridwell bol naverbovaný vytvárať a spravovať kompletný servis severoamerickej právne oddelenie pre Švajčiarsko založené SGS,,en.

Bridwell’s multilayered transactional background led him to the world of cross border finance with the New York office of an Australian investment bank. In addition to his involvement with the U.S. placement of Pacific Rim securities, he found himself again involved in oil and gas exploration when he successfully raised funding from an Australian public utility for offshore gas exploration and production in the Philippines for a Texas wildcatter.

After the Australian investment bank was acquired by DeutscheBank, Bridwell was recruited to create and manage a full service North American legal department for Switzerland based SGS, najväčší svetový inšpekcia,,en,testovanie,,en,certifikácia a overovanie, pôsobí vo viac ako,,en,krajiny,,en,Okrem vybavovania celé spektrum právnych otázkach, ktorým čelia podnikania dnes,,en,ako sú obchodné rokovania o zmluve,,en,Problémy práce a zamestnanosti,,en,fúzie,,en,akvizície a dispozície,,en,sa mu podarilo ročné sporov týkajúcich sa počtu prípadov od,,en,záležitosti v USA,,en,Kanade a Karibiku,,en,vrátane triedy a kolektívne akcie,,en,a reprezentoval SGS rad konania na riešenie sporov,,en,Jeho SGS skúsenosť súčasťou admirality spory týkajúce sa kontaminované alebo poškodený tovar,,en,čistota nádoba,,en,zranenia a poškodenia plavidla,,en,podrobenie lode zadržať v cudzích prístavoch,,en,Nedávno,,en, testing, certification and verification company with operations in over 140 countries. In addition to handling the entire spectrum of legal matters faced by business today, such as commercial contract negotiations, real estate, labor and employment issues, regulatory compliance, mergers, acquisitions and dispositions, he managed an annual litigation caseload of from 10 na 50 matters in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean, including class and collective actions, and represented SGS in numerous dispute resolution proceedings.

His SGS experience included admiralty disputes involving contaminated or damaged goods, vessel cleanliness, personal injury and vessel damage, subjecting vessels to arrest in foreign ports.

Most recently, Bridwell slúžil ako General Counsel pre súkromné ​​inžinierstva a poradenských firiem v oblasti životného prostredia, ktoré nie sú predmetom záťažou dodržiavanie regulácie SEC,,en,Začína dlho predtým, Sarbanes-Oxley,,en,napísal a inštalované kódexy obchodného správania,,en,anonymný poradenské linky a ďalšie postupy v každej zo svojich spoločností oboch presadzovať etické podnikanie a identifikovať a rýchlo riešiť obvinenia z pochybenia,,en,Viedol rad vnútorných vyšetrovaní a musel čeliť možné trestné porušenie zákona zo strany korporátnych zamestnancov,,en,V niektorých prípadoch spolupracuje s federálnymi vyšetrovateľmi a prokurátormi,,en,Za viac ako desať rokov,,en. Beginning long before Sarbanes-Oxley, he wrote and installed Codes of Business Conduct, anonymous hotlines and other procedures in each of his companies both to promote ethical business conduct and to identify and deal quickly with allegations of misconduct. He has conducted numerous internal investigations and has had to confront possible criminal violations of law by corporate employees, in some cases working with federal investigators and prosecutors.

For over a decade, Bridwell has been a pro bono mediator in New Jersey Special Civil and Small Claims Courts helping more than five hundred litigants settle their disputes amicably without the time, expense and risks of trial.

Upon graduating from Westminster College in Missouri, Bridwell joined the Army as a Second Lieutenant in the Signal Corps. He was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for his service in Vietnam. After leaving active military duty with the rank of Captain, he graduated from Duke University Law School, and later attended the Executive Program in Business Administration at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Bridwell is licensed to practice law in New Jersey and North Carolina.