William B. Thompson, PhD

Bill ThompsonBill Thompson kellu diversi karrieri varjata u ta 'suċċess, aktar reċentement għal għaxar snin bħala konsulent fuq it-titjib tal-kwalità tas-saħħa fi sptar kbir. qabel dik, fi korporazzjoni kbira bħala eżekuttiv anzjan fl-affarijiet regolatorji ta 'kummerċjalizzazzjoni u tal-gvern. Wara li tirċievi Ph.D tiegħu. fil ġeofiżika minn MIT, ewwel karriera Thompson kienet tinkludi tipprovdi appoġġ ta 'inġinerija sistemi għall-programm tat-titjira ispazju mgħammar b'ekwipaġġ NASA, u l-intestatura timijiet korporattiva biex isolvu l-problemi ta 'telekomunikazzjoni fil-Laboratorji Bell u fl-Iran.

Kura tas-saħħa Kwalità Titjib

Mill 1992-2006, Thompson intitolat ditta ta 'konsultazzjoni tiegħu stess, iffukat fuq it-titjib tas-saħħa. impenn prinċipali tal-kumpanija mill- 1992-2002 kien ma Morristown (NJ) Memorial Hospital biex jimplimentaw it-tranżizzjoni fil-kultura isptar mill-kontroll antik tal-kwalità stil stil ġdid titjib kontinwu tal-kwalità (CQI). He reported directly to the medical doctor holding the position of Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs, and performed the following functions:

Bill Thompson’s Specialties
  • Kura tas-saħħa Kwalità Titjib
  • Healthcare Cost Reduction
  • Telekomunikazzjonijiet
  • Iran

1. Designed a management structure consisting of: (a) a Quality Council, chaired by the SVP-Medical Affairs, which included senior administrative officers (CEO, VP-Nursing, CFO, VP-Human Resources, etc.) and chairmen of major medical departments, u (b) quality improvement teams made up of 5-8 doctors, nurses, and technical staff members focused on a specific disease (e.g., pneumonia), surgery (e.g., total knee replacement), or support procedure (e.g., wheelchair availability)

2. Developed training programs and trained members of the Quality Council and teams in the principles and operating procedures of CQI.

3. Facilitated the meetings for over 30 teams during a 10-year period. Helped each team: (a) jistabbilixxu l-aġenda tal-laqgħat; (b) tagħżel miżuri kwantitattivi ta 'kwalità u l-għanijiet ta' titjib stipulati; (c) attivitajiet pjan għall-bidla fil-kura tas-saħħa triq ingħatat; (d) track miżuri tal-kwalità magħżula għall-monitoraġġ riżultati ta 'proċeduri li nbidlu; (e) prattiki biex iżommu l-qligħ jiktbu.

4. Issettja l-aġenda u ffaċilitat laqgħat ta 'kull xahar tal-Kunsill tal-Kwalità għall: (a) progress tim ta 'reviżjoni; (b) jikkoordina u jikseb l-approvazzjoni għall-bidliet rakkomandati fil-proċeduri li jolqtu dipartimenti multipli, u; (c) jirrikonoxxu u jippremjaw kisbiet tat-tim.

5. Videotape prodotti li jillustraw il-prinċipji CQI u funzjonijiet tim li kienu użati fil-konferenzi fi sptar kollha.

6. data analizzata fis-sistema ta 'kontijiet isptar u r-rekords mediċi biex jiġu identifikati oqsma iżolat ta' spejjeż u mediċi riżultati. Għamel rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-bidla għat-tobba intestatura dipartimenti għall-Kardjoloġija, Kirurġija ortopedika, Emergency Medicine, Vascular Surgery and Pulmonology.

7. Represented the office of the SVP-Medical Affairs in preparing for the on-site review, conducted every 2-3 years, by the independent Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). At a period of time when the Joint Commission was placing increased emphasis on continuous quality improvement, the aggregate score for Morristown Memorial Hospital was raised from the 70s in 1992 to the mid-90s in 1995.

8. Represented Morristown Memorial Hospital on various New Jersey healthcare improvement councils and committees.

Telecommunications Marketing and Systems Design

Prior to 1992, Thompson served as an executive at AT&T headquarters in regulatory affairs and later in marketing. In the regulatory area he was responsible for an interdepartmental team working on cost-of-service methods that led to FCC approval of a new methodology, thereby permitting AT&T to gain FCC approval for rate changes and new service introductions. In the Marketing area he was responsible for a team of several hundred people operating computer systems in support of market analyses and sales operations. During this latter assignment Thompson served as AT&T’s point person during meetings with the U.S. Justice Department Antitrust Division to settle issues concerning marketing practices for long distance service. These meetings, over a period of six months, led to a successful resolution.

Prior to the above AT&T domestic assignments, Thompson headed a team of about 30 personnel at American Bell International, Inc., an AT&T company operating in Tehran, Iran. His assignment was to develop the telecommunications requirements, both civilian and military, as the basis for a major upgrade in the country’s network. As part of this assignment he met frequently with senior officers of the U.S. Air Force, and the Iranian Army and Air Force, and with senior managers in the Iran telecom company and major government-run industries, such as NIOC (National Iranian Oil Company). This assignment ended when the government of the Shah of Iran fell.

Prior to the Iran assignment Thompson supervised a group of about 25 personnel at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ, to develop cost and pricing methods and network planning tools for clients at AT&T and, on occasion, provided technical witnesses at state rate case hearings.

Thompson began his career working for Bellcomm, Inc., an AT&T subsidiary that provided systems engineering support to NASA headquarters on the Apollo Program. Assignments included developing a model of the lunar surface for landing vehicle design, selecting scientific experiments for earth orbit and lunar surface missions and, finally, plans for post-Apollo manned missions to Mars. In support of Dr. George Mueller, Director of NASA’s Office of Manned Space Flight, Thompson made numerous presentations to advisory committees, including the President’s Science Advisory Committee, composed of scientists and engineers from industry and academia.

Education and Memberships

Thompson holds Bachelor and Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in Geophysics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Huwa ilu membru tal-Unjoni Ġeofiżika Amerikana, u presentement hija membru ta 'Sigma Xi, Is-Soċjetà Riċerka Xjentifika. Ilu membru tal-Golf Club Roxiticus fil MENDHAM, NJ, għal aktar 30 sena u serva ħafna snin bħala Chairman tal-Tennis u Pjattaforma Kumitati Tennis.