Specialis Ombuds ipsum

To augment or complement your ombuds office or similar capabilities when:

  • You are overloaded or understaffed, and your reputation for timely and quality response may be in jeopardy.
  • You are short a skill or specialty, which may deter visitors.
  • Your impartiality may be questioned because you are (or perceived to be) too close to the issues (e.g., company salary or benefits practices) or the individuals (e.g., former colleagues).

IOS has the high-quality, cost-effective help you can trust and rely on, delivered in conformance with the Code and Standards of the International Ombudsman Association.

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Investigationes, Fact-finding and Exit Interviews
Employee complaints should be investigated with speed and impartiality to help prevent a suit against the firm. A quality investigation should always involve an independent and reliable investigator who has both institutional and personal credibility to help prevent “cat’s paw” liability, which arises when a decision maker accepts the recommendation of a biased supervisor without conducting a review process using someone removed from the situation. Protecting the investigation is also critical – documents relating to the investigation should be stored in a location with very limited accessibility. Overall, the most important goal in conducting such investigations is to be even-handed. The law does not require that investigations be error free; it requires that they be independent and fair.

IOS investigative services are headed by Mike Burns, priore Director de Obses, Novartis, worldwide, specialiter credentialed ad deducet internationalis investigationes.


Mediation and Conciliation
Our people are professionally trained in evaluative and facilitative dispute resolution processes, sed vere profundum et latum distinguit mundum veri, et ea, usu et commercio. Search the site or browse Our People to find the right professional for your needs.


Certamen Management Lorem (Praecaventur et purgatorias)
Consuetudinem-disposuerat et deduxit per Jon Hyman (Professor legem pretium, specialiter in alternative controversia resolutio) et Marv Schuldiner (Director of Civil Mediation Training for the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators).


Exsecutiva adipiscing
Virens per Ted Gerber cum super viginti annorum directa experientia assistentes major turmas in Iunctus Civitas et worldwide.


Census Corporate Politiae et Actiones
Plures nostri populus tenuit senior corporatum gradu administratione positiones. Warennam Wood erat Vice Praeses, Communi consilium et Secretarius gentem pretium Lorem fundamentum. Ben Feigenbaum erat General consilium de quinquaginta milia operarius telecommunication comitatu, versantur in omnes aspectus eius corporatum regiminis et negotium operationes. Dives Ober habet super triginta annis experientia a senior exsecutiva in magna financial institutione. Jim Marlow (MBA, CFP), cum triginta annorum negotium experientia, serves as a turnaround and interim senior executive for companies in need. Greg Libertini (MBA, CPA, SBB, Abv) habet lato dicentur senior exsecutiva experientia ad magna turmas.