乔纳森·M. 海曼

乔恩海曼是法律和阿尔弗雷德的C教授. 克拉普公益学者罗格斯大学法学院 - 纽瓦克, 在那里,他曾担任教务副院长, 宪法诉讼诊所行政主管, 而在冲突管理罗格斯证书课程联席主任. 他的学术专长包括替代性纠纷解决 (调解, 仲裁, 谈判, 争议的系统设计), litigation, 和合同. 他参与撰写了在城市医疗设定管理冲突开创性的研究.

  • Conflict Management
  • Employment Discrimination
  • 卫生保健

他对争端解决和调解广泛的著述, 特别注重对律师的作用, 并得到了临床法律评论的全国编委会成员. He has served on the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Complementary Dispute Resolution and on the Court’s Advisory Committee on Mediator Standards.

Professor Hyman is a practicing arbitrator and mediator. He was lead counsel in several large employment discrimination class actions. 在 2007 he received the Prof. James B. Boskey Practitioner of the Year Award from the Dispute Resolution Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association.

Professor Hyman is a graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School.

[full resume coming soon]